Painting & Coating

4 أسباب تجعل هيدروكسي إيثيل السليلوز (HEC) ضروريًا للطلاء والطلاءات

4 Reasons Why Hydroxyethyl Cellulose (HEC) is Essential for Paint and Coatings Introduction Hydroxyethyl Cellulose (HEC) is a crucial additive in the paint and coatings industry, widely used in industrial coatings, textured paints, and water-based paints. It enhances viscosity, prevents sagging, and improves durability. Compared to other thickeners like HPMC, HEC provides superior stability and …

4 أسباب تجعل هيدروكسي إيثيل السليلوز (HEC) ضروريًا للطلاء والطلاءات اقرأ المزيد “

دهانات البناء (جاهزة للاستخدام)

Construction paints (ready to use)​   Home> Application>Drymix Mortar  >Construction paints (ready to use) LANDERCOLL HEC offers excellent suspension property with wide compatibilities that can be matched with an extensive range of colored pigments, emulsions, surfactants, emulsifiers, defoamers and preservatives. LANDERCOLL HEC offers excellent suspension property with wide compatibilities that can be matched with an …

دهانات البناء (جاهزة للاستخدام) اقرأ المزيد “

الدهانات الداخلية / الدهانات الخارجية

Nterior paints / Exterior paints​   Home> Application>Drymix Mortar  >Nterior paints / Exterior paints LANDERCOLL HEC offers excellent suspension property with wide compatibilities that can be matched with an extensive range of colored pigments, emulsions, surfactants, emulsifiers, defoamers and preservatives. Excellent color acceptanceWide compatibility with paint components & colorantsRheology modifiersPseudoplastic or associative viscosity build-upViscosity stabilityExcellent …

الدهانات الداخلية / الدهانات الخارجية اقرأ المزيد “